Acuityware Document Server (ADS)

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Redefine printer output flexibility for your MultiValue applications!

Acuityware Document Server (ADS)

Now you don’t have to be limited to printing your applications output to plain or pre-printed forms using straight text. With ADS, you can take your applications output into the 21st century with customized images and text fields. Add logos, stamp text, barcodes, signatures or any type of form overlays anywhere on the document. When you’re done, your documents will be PDF’s for easy printing, emailing or faxing or storing for your web portal!
Raising the Bar


Why use ADS

ADS gives you the ability to maintain your printer routines while enabling PDF output capabilities to give your documents an enhanced , modern look and feel. With ADS, you can convert your standard printed output to PDF’s, allowing you to store, retrieve, email, fax, and print with greater flexibility than ever before!

Save Time and Money

Reduce expenses by eliminating pre-printed forms and the need to load software on user PCs

Bring your printed documents into the 21st century!

Create highly professional styled documents that meet your companies and your customers needs.

Management Simplified!

Quickly and easily designate destination printers, add signatures, send faxes, add you company’s logo, or send emails for users or groups.

Productivity Enhanced

PDF generation is integrated easily into your existing applications programs using simple subroutine calls to minimize maintenance and increase ease of modifications.

Key Features


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